It's been snowing a lot here lately, as I'm sure it is in other places too. Lucy's new favorite activity is sledding, so we've been out sledding quite a bit already. Well, Lucy and Chuck go sledding, and I watch them. I've been down a couple times but I'm afraid of falling belly first in the snow, I feel so huge sometimes. So I stand at the top, drink coffee if I brought some, and snap pics if I brought the camera.
Look at that concentration, and that cute tongue. Wish I would have gotten more of my hubs in the shot though.
Happy be-lated birthday to Chuck, it was his birthday yesterday. We went out to breakfast with my sister, her husband and our kids after Mass yesterday, it was real nice. We don't go out to breakfast much anymore, but that's okay. Breakfast is actually the easiest meal to make, for me anyway.
I also made a chocolate layer cake with peanut butter frosting, per Chuck's request. I think it turned out alright, considering I made it with pie pans and not cake pans. Okay, enough rambling for now.