Here's Lucy "playing" with Isaac. Oh, and ignore my messy apartment. Yes, that is a can of coke in the background, caffeine is keeping me alive right now.
Here's Lucy distracted watching PBS.
You can tell Isaac is already pretty fascinated with his big sister.
Thanks to all for the lovely comments you've left over the past week. In case you haven't heard, baby arrived last Saturday, about 5 days early, and it's a boy! Baby Isaac is doing great, and the breastfeeding and sleeping are going as well as can be expected.
Here are some photos of his first week, scavenger hunt style.
Born April 7, 2012 at 2:49 am 7 lb 11 oz and 19 1/2 inches long
It's been a long weekend but we are all doing well. Labor started at around 5 pm on Good Friday and lasted only about 10 hours with the last couple hours being pretty intense. Baby came with only about 5 minutes of pushing, (surprising the doctor and nurse). Now just trying to get the hang of breastfeeding again and learning how to function on little sleep, the usual things.