Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Been Busy Baby

I have been busy busy lately. I recently purchased the workshop on creativeLIVE (amazing website) called "28 Days with Sue Bryce" and I am loving every minute of it. She really pushes you out of your comfort zone mentally as well as physically to move forward in your business. And I'm currently in the process of setting up my photography business, so this is perfect for me.

 Now I just want to say that I hate spending money. Let me repeat...I hate to spend money. But I feel like I will make that money back and more with tips she gives on posing, marketing, and other business related matters. If you haven't watched her video on Fear, go to You Tube and watch it now, it will change your life. Or at least give you something to think about.

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My little models, loving the portrait of my Lucy.

Friday, March 22, 2013

This Is Real Love

sibling love

This pretty much sums up my week over here...minus the mounds of laundry and dishes.

Linking with friday photo journal

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dreaming of Spring

I've been looking through my old photographs lately dreaming of spring.

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Instead of this.

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Hopefully warmer temps will be here soon.  I just want it to be a nice warm 40 degree day so me and the kids can go for a little walk, is that too much to ask?  Apparently so.

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Monday, March 18, 2013


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 Lucy is really big into making tents out of blankets these days.  Or rather having me make them for her.

Still been really busy working on my website, I think it's almost finished.  Can't wait to officially share it with you.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Playing With Light

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I was practicing bouncing the light around to get more even light on the face, it was really dark and gloomy inside. I can't wait for it to warm up so I can try to get more shots outside.

Wow, Lucy's hair is getting so long.

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Isaac was feeling left out, so I had to practice on him too. Still getting over colds here.

Isn't it adorable when he sucks in his bottom lip?

GFC is going to be gone in July, so if you like me, please...

linking up with friday photo journal

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Life Lately

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It's been a few days (okay, almost a week) since I've posted anything, so I thought I would keep you guys up-to-date on things.

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We recently bought a dishwasher! You know, the ones with the wheels on it. I'm loving it! Now I am not the only dishwasher around here, and I can actually polish my nails and have the color last a couple days without it chipping off right away, awesome! And the really awesome part is that Chuck bought it at a thrift store for only $35. It's a little used but I just rinse the dishes really well before I put them in and they come out pretty clean.

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Isaac loves the dishwasher too, and isn't his bed-head delicious?

Last weekend Chuck and I went out for a date night and we stayed over at a hotel while Grandma watched the kids. Holla!  (does anyone even say that anymore?)

 It was amazing, I forgot was it was like to just be together and enjoy each other's company without the kids crying, getting up for night feedings (because yes, Isaac still does that, that whole sleeping through the night doesn't usually happen), and waking up really early the next morning.  We will definitely be doing that again, but not soon enough.
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(sorry for poor cell phone quality, I forgot my camera)

Sad to say that whole giving up coffee for Lent was short lived.  The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I still am giving up soda though, and I don't seem to crave it that much anymore, which is good because I know that soda is really bad for you. I'm sorry Jesus, but I need my coffee to make it through the day of dishes, laundry, and littles screaming and pulling on me. I think I will give up coffee during holy week, maybe.

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We've been working on getting over a cold for a couple weeks, it's lingering.

Still waiting for spring here. It's supposed to be warming up this weekend, like, in the 40s or something, so that would be alright.

 How's life been treating you?

Friday, March 01, 2013

Ready For Spring

So thankful that it is March, hopefully spring will be here soon, but spring doesn't usually arrive in Wisconsin until about mid-April, so we have about another month of winter still left (boo).

Here are some of my favorite winterish (just made a new word) images that I posted for Nurture photography along with a few more that I took this week.

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We are definitely ready for spring around here.

Nurture Photography - Winter 2013 Photo Challenge