Coffee and I are finally friends again. The road has been pretty rocky these last few months. Usually my mornings began with me stumbling out of bed and getting the littles up and fed, then reheating a cup of coffee already a couple hours old because the hubs gets up at 5:00 am to milk cows. Well this particular morning at the very end of August (also our 6 yr wedding anniversary) I looked at the coffee pot and thought...hmm, no thanks. This struck me as very odd behavior (for me), but maybe I was sick of drinking coffee because I've had a couple cups of the stuff every day since, well, the last time I had morning sickness.

I then just felt off, not right, slightly yucky feeling, for the next couple of days. Maybe I'm coming down with an end of summer flu bug? Then my sister-in-law suggested jokingly that I might be pregnant again. The doom kind of music played in my head, you know, the kind you hear in movies, and then it hit me. Yes, I had all the symptoms, and no period. A test confirmed it, I was surprised, happy, and then sick, and so coffee and I began our battle.
(me at about 12 weeks)
The smell and sight of it turned my stomach almost as bad as the smell of everything else plus onions (which still turns my stomach). I told Chuck to make his coffee in the basement so I wouldn't have to look at the awful stuff. I thought we (coffee, not Chuck) would never get back together. Then one morning, many many weeks later (at about week 17 of pregnancy) it happened. I had a small cup and it wasn't that bad, in fact, it was even a little comforting. Since that day our relationship has grown, but I still try not to have more than one cup a day. At 20 weeks now, I finally feel like myself again, just 15 lb. heavier.
Yes, it is nice to have an old friend back in my life.