Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Edit Me

I really should be making dinner right now (boring) but I decided to post instead.

The edit me challenge is back, I used to love to participate way back before baby, so I decided to use my mad skillz and try a new edit (for me).

(Note: Photo not taken by me)

 my edit


 Opened in Photoshop Elements and cloned out minor imperfections and distractions. Adjusted levels, added soft light layer 30%, new layer gold 15% screen. Used coffee shop's sun flare action and adjusted to my liking. Adjusted brightness and contrast, did a slight burning around the edges to make the girl pop more, reduced noise slightly and sharpened for web and there you go, more or less. I was playing really fast and don't know if I remember everything.

 You should really go do it if you like to play around in photoshop (or just if you want to procrastinate like me), it's totally fun!
If you don't own photoshop then play around with free editing sites like picmonkey.com, I still go there a lot.

Edit Me


  1. as much as i love this pic & don't want to insult the original...... i really love your edit! i know, i use picmonkey if i'm not on my laptop :)

  2. I'm just going to send you a bunch of pics I have, and love, but haven't figured out photoshop enough to make them all pretty. :)

    1. Ha ha, you're funny. Just start with the basics like adjusting brightness and contrast, maybe adding a little more color saturation, but be careful, a little goes a long way.

  3. I'm so glad I saw this post; I love the edit me challenge! Love your edit!

  4. Thank you so much Anne for linking up! You edit is so lovely!

  5. Your edit is beautiful. I love how you lightened it up.

  6. Gorgeous haze, such a light, lovely edit!

  7. I love the sun flare action! Just lovely! Picmonkey is awesome!

  8. great edit, and I agree the flare is great!
