Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Little Man's First Haircut!

Yesterday Isaac was pretty crabby, I think he's getting ready to pop tooth #6.  I didn't have time to post the photos of the traumatizing first haircut, so here they are now.  

(and yes, Isaac is wearing one of Lucy's bibs, we needed one big enough so Chuck wouldn't get hair all over him)

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Isaac had no idea what was coming, poor thing.  He looks so sweet right now.

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Lots of tears were shed (more from mama than Isaac I think).

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After much needed kisses and snuggles from mommy, he stopped crying (I hadn't yet).  I don't think he was too happy with daddy though.

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After his nap that day he had completely forgotten.  This was taken the next morning, all smiles again!

I've had about five days to process and get used to the new hair, and now I think he looks rather cute.  It seems to make his eyes look a little bigger.  I do think it will look even better in about a month or so when it has a chance to grow out a bit.  

I knew the first haircut was going to be bad, but Chuck cut it so short!  I was not prepared for that.  And I'm not one of those emotional kind of girls either, so all the crying was a little surprising, I think Chuck felt bad.  But now all is well, no worries.  We're back to normal around here again.


  1. Aw, he looks so sweet! Our little monkey is probably due for a haircut, but I just can't pull the trigger...

  2. Aw, so sweet! Those tears though! Glad he's forgotten it - he looks so grown-up!

  3. Gosh, I just love this little lips!!

    I really like the B&W of him crying. So much emotions.

    Still an adorable little man! :)
