Me at 16 weeks
Haven't been blogging in a long time, you know, morning sickness and all, but I think I'm finally starting to feel better. I'm 16 weeks along today (yay!) and thought I'd take a bump pic, I have really been popping out this past week, I've already had some belly rubs (you know, person I know walks up, makes a comment on the baby bump, and rubs the belly) but it's okay, I actually like it, am I weird? Probably.

The house is still a mess, and yes, my kid is eating lunch in her nightgown today, I am very lazy, I'll admit it.
We are getting ready for Halloween, meaning that maybe I will actually go down in storage and bring up the fall decorations today, maybe. Lucy is going to be a puppy for Halloween, an old costume from my little brother (did I mention I'm also cheap) but she's still pretty excited. And the day after that will be her 3rd birthday, we're just going to keep it low-key this year, can't have a party for her every year. Besides, all she wants are cupcakes and a balloon, 3 year-olds are so easy to please.
Also have my first official doctor's appointment next week, can't wait to hear the peanut's heartbeat again.