I recently purchased Photoshop Elements 9, so I've been busy playing around with that, but it's going to be a slow process. Probably should have taken that photoshop class in high school, but that would have meant getting to school at 7:30 am. Way too early for a teenager.
I also feel like I haven't been doing anything but nursing all day (and night) long, my son is such a little piggy. And it is really starting to show. Happy four weeks Isaac, can't believe you're a month old already!

One of my favorite photos from Isaac's newborn shoot, the light and shadows really made the shot.
linking with paper mama "favorite from april"


My Lucy holding Isaac, I don't let her do this very often. She just loves to smother her little brother.

Isaac not even a day old. Except for resize, sharpen, and watermark, this is straight out of camera. Love his little lips.

Laying on his fishy blanket. This look seems to say, "Whatever mom." Yeah, he gives me this look a lot.