I'm not claiming to be an expert on photography, this is just something I picked up on the internet somewhere and I thought I would give it a try. I took my 50 mm 1.8 lens and converted it into sort of a macro lens just by turning it around.
For this experiment I wanted to take a photo of my wedding rings (aren't they just beautiful, my husband did good). Here is as close to my rings as I could get with my 50 mm on my camera.
No cropping to the photo, I just did a clean edit and sharpened a little.
I took the lens off, turned it around, held the camera with my right hand and lens with my left, and made sure to push the little lever that keeps the aperture closed so it would stay open. You have to have the camera on manual mode or the camera won't let you take the photo (I like to shoot in aperture priority, so that's I how I found out about that). Get as close to the object as you can and move the camera around till you find the sweet spot where you want the lens to focus on. I wanted to focus on my beautiful shiny diamond.
Again no cropping, just a clean edit and had to brighten quite a bit because I closed the aperture a touch to get the diamond more in focus, so the photo was pretty dark.
It was nice, but I wanted more oomph. So I converted to B&W, did some minor cloning of some imperfections, slight burning of the shadows to give more dimension, sharpened my diamond more, and added a slight pink layer to give a little color.

Shine bright like a diamond!

Today is Fat Tuesday. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, marking the first day of Lent (Lent is the 40 days prior to Easter and it is traditionally a time for prayer, penance, fasting, and abstinence which helps to prepare our souls for the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday).
I'm sure almost everyone has been thinking about Valentine's Day lately, but not me. I have really been focused on Lent this year, trying to think of ways to make this as good a Lent as ever. Soooo, after much thought, I decided that, in addition to the traditional fasting and extra prayer, I will be giving up soda (it's bad for you anyway, but I love it) and...COFFEE!
So while I'm not going to gorge on a ton of food today, I might indulge in a couple extra cups of coffee.
Goodbye coffee...for now.

Sibling love.
Lucy loves smothering her baby brother by putting her face in his, squeezing him, and giving him kisses. What does baby Isaac love to do? Grab and pull that beautiful long hair every chance he gets. Then Lucy cries, I go break them up, and the cycle continues.
Sibling love, it can be quite exhausting.
I've been dabbling in self-portraiture lately, here is one I took last weekend with Chuck. I don't take nearly enough photos of him, and photos of us together are almost non-existent.
I know this sounds cliché, but if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself.
I've been working out again. Just starting out slow, doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30.
Gotta get my body ready for all those swimsuits that I'm going to wear come summer time (note sarcasm).
I'm kinda obsessed with Jillian Michaels, I love and fear her at the same time. So glad she's back on Biggest Loser.
Does anybody else love and hate Jillian workouts as much as I do?