Friday, March 30, 2012

Eating Ice Cream with a Baby Spoon

   Yeah, I thought that I would try eating ice cream with a baby spoon thinking that would make me think I was eating more ice cream than I really was. Then my kid Lucy saw me and wanted some too.




   Well, don't think it really worked. Next time I'll just have to not be lazy and actually put the ice cream in a small bowl instead of eating it right out of the carton.  Oh, and make sure my kid is napping or something, not really a fan of sharing my ice cream.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Quarterly Top 5

Dancing with her daddy

Shoveling the parking the focus on the snowflakes.

Lucy knows that January snowflakes taste the best!

At the coffee shop, cute sideway glance.

Love my babies!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Full Term


Not much to say lately, finally officially full-term at 37 weeks.  The weather here in Wisconsin has been unseasonably warm, in the 70s and 80s, which has been nice for getting out for my daily walks.  My clothes are just not fitting anymore, everything seems tight, especially in the belly.  

Can't wait to meet this new little one.  My girl really wants a little sister, but we will just have to wait and see, it's a surprise!  Hope she won't be too disappointed if baby's a boy.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Washing Baby Clothes

Been busy over here washing baby clothes!  Don't know if baby is a boy or a girl, but I have a little bit of everything, so at least my baby won't be naked.

Soaking the nasty spit-up stained ones in the sink with oxiclean, I still need to redo the really bad ones.

Can't believe that baby will be here in about a month!

Saturday, March 03, 2012

A New Niece

My sister's baby was born a few days ago, another girl!  Won't be too much longer till it's my turn.  

It will be nice to have a new subject to photograph, but there will still be plenty of photos of this little one too (of course).

Had our toenails painted for the first time, her little piggies look so cute.

I'm glad it's finally March, but the winter hasn't been that bad this year.  It snows, then it melts, then it snows again.

It's supposed to be warmer next week, I so want to get out and go for longer walks.  This pregnancy is taking a lot out of me.   Six weeks seems like such a long time to me, but I know it really isn't.  And I still have lots to do before baby comes.   The carseat is all clean, but that's as far as I've gotten.  I need more energy!